When you call your lover twice and they don't pick up, leave them a message. Do not call within that hour unless it's an emergency. Discipline yourself to not call more than twice within an hour unless it's an emergency. Let your partner know that when you call more than twice, it's something really serious. 

Now some of you don't understand why I share this tip. So, I will shade a bit of light. 
Even when a person genuinely loves you, there is a way you can conduct yourself that will make them disrespect you and not value you. For crying out loud, they are not holding your umbilical cord. If you call someone twice and they don't pick up, common sense should tell you they are either busy or are unavailable to pick your calls at that moment. To keep calling their line is not love. It shows that you do not have something serious to do with your time. 

Have you ever wondered why some people are always fighting in their relationship and begin to miss each other only when they go days without talking to one another? It's because that space gives them the opportunity to think, and to miss one another. Some of you don't create room for your partner to miss you and that's why it appears they do not value you. You're always there. Always taking shit. Always making excuses for their rubbish behaviour. Never saying your mind because you're afraid it might offend them. 

Dear people of the republic, you will NEVER enjoy your relationship if you don't understand that you're a PRIZE to whomever is in your life.


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