The easiest way to know that your woman is cheating is when she's not giving you all of herself

What do I mean by all of herself??

A woman who has you alone will give you every of her attention, time, resources and energy naturally.

1. She will be very very comfortable in giving her phone to you.

2. She will be very very accountable even when you don't ask for her accountability.

3. She will be so desperate to involves you in her life and every of her endeavors.

4. Anytime you suspect her, she will be eager to bring you evidence that will nullify your suspicions.


The reason for this is because she doesn't have any other options but you.

Her loyalty and submission will  be yours alone and this is where it flows naturally.

The summary of this is that she will be afraid to loose you.


If you have a woman who does opposite of this things, my brother, she's cheating.


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